Hassle-Free Pool Repair Services
Hassle-Free Pool Repair Services
Pump services
Think of the pump as the heart of the pool. Pool pumps circulate the pool water and filter out debris and contaminants. If your pump has stopped working, making a loud noise or leaking water, please contact a pool professional.
Filter Services
The filter is in charge of removing the debris and contaminants from the water and returning it to the pool clean & clear. When the filters get clogged and dirty, it can cause poor circulation, that’s why they need to be regularly maintained and cleaned.
Heater Services
Pool heaters help you enjoy your pool all year round. However, sometimes they malfunction or fail to heat the water adequately.
Miscellaneous Services
We take pride in offering a wide range of services. See how else we can help you to keep your pool in the best possible shape!
There are many ways to take your pool to the next level. Are you interested in controlling every feature in your pool at the touch of a button? Or is it time to dispose of the 15-year-old filter in your backyard? , or are you ready to save money by switching to a variable-speed pump? Whatever your pool needs are, we are here to make it possible.

We are a call away!
Get in touch with us now to explore what your options are.
Over 20 years of experience
We’ve been taking care of Vegas pools for a long time. We know how they work and what they need.
From my family to yours,
We are a family operated business. We not only take care of your pool but also ensure that hose special moments with your loved ones are safe and enjoyable.
Licensed, bonded & insured
Your pool is in good hands. With us, you don’t need to call anyone else.
Call now to schedule an appointment

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+1 702-409-0003